EVENT UPDATES 30.05 - 16:30h
The total distance of the long route has been updated to 159km (earlier 173km). A decision made related to state road crossings and safety.
The updated route can be found here
FZ 1
115km - 45.5km mark // 159km - 45.5km mark
FZ 2
159km - 72.7km mark
FZ 3
115km - 93km mark // 159km - 120km mark
FZ 4
50km - 26km mark
Personalised bottles (name + number of feed zone) for feed zones 1 to 3 can be handed over at the Registration Office in the morning. Bottles will be placed on a separate table in each feed zone.
Besides water, sweet and salty snacks Isotonic drink and energy chews are served to all participants. These products are vegan and gluten free.
The event provides race timing and marked roads and is part of the overall NGS 2024 classification. The 30 first riders in all categories are awarded points for the NGS 2024 season classification (3 best results taken in account). All participants in the race category need a license (elite, hobby or day license) of the Swedish federation or an international UCI license. A day license for foreign riders (non-Swedish) is obligatory and can be purchased here.
Start and finish are located at Hammarskog Herrgård, 8km west of the city.
Event registration Includes:
- Participation in the event
- 1 to 3 food & drink stops on the route (depending on distance) including sweet and salty snacks, energy snacks and isotonic drink (gluten free)
- GPX route downloads & marked 50km route
- Post event food buffet and (please add your dietary preferences to your registration)
- Registration deferral to another participant until one week before the event. Note: for the 2024 season we do no longer provide refunds.
- Participation in the Warmup Ride (optional - free registration)
Please check our Registration FAQ’s
Friday 31th May 2024
14:00h Hammarskog Herrgård event area open
15:30-19:00h Registration Office open
17:00h Warmup Ride from Hammarskog Herrgård
Saturday 1st June 2024
08:30-10:00h Registration Office open
09:30h Start 173km Men & Women
10:30h Start 115 and 50km (all)
13:30-18:00h:Post-ride food
20:00h NGS Party Uppsala - Lustret
173km route
Long distance route - ~950 ascending meters

115km route
Medium distance route - ~650 ascending meters

50km route
Short distance route - ~300 ascending meters

Our accommodation partner Hotel von Kraemer offers the following rates for NGS participants
1290 SEK/night for a double room and 1190 SEK/night for a single room including breakfast
Use the code NGS24 upon booking
16 June - NGS x Velocio Social Ride
All rides and free signup on our calendar events page.